Waiting for Superman, Oil Painting on Plywood, 24x24 inches, 2011
My artworks, Outside the Window and Waiting for Superman were selected by Jurors Jane Barrow and Bill Barrett for Art Saint Louis’ “Blur” exhibition.
“Blur” runs June 11-July 26, 2012 in the Art Saint Louis Main Gallery.
A free public reception will be held Saturday, June 9, 2012, 6-8 p.m.
My works, Waiting for Superman and Outside the Window were made to show the embodiment of the clarity we receive from the unclear moments of life. In both works, the contrast between stability and instability in one person, due to the situation’s lack of clarity, presents no foreseeable reality. These works embody the serendipity of lingering, which was made from untying the knots of countless thoughts, dreams and desires.
Outside of the Window, represents the inevitable choice to stand against the irresistible fear of chaos. This work is a collection of progress and outcomes which was made from untying the knots of countless thoughts, and is meant to pour out the concepts of rendered life. Waiting for Superman, is meant to symbolize the unstableness of psychological landscaping throughout daily life. With my own visual language I tried to explore the world as it is. I observed the sound of my mind struggling from frustrations, desires, questions, and imperfections.
Though I believe the human mind is usually adept at handling extremes, I can’t help but notice the internal inconsistencies of my mind as it interprets the world. My approach to convey uncertain struggles between my mind and the world was to use a set of colors, such as blue and gray, with unsettled harsh textures and blurring brush strokes. In both works, the contrast between stability and instability in one person, due to the situation’s lack of clarity, presents no foreseeable outcome.
내 마음에 열정이 기름받아 일어나는 소리가 들리는가?!ㅎㅎㅎ 그 전날, 서운한 마음에 오래묵은 친구에게 술 한잔 먹고 말했었다. "나를 만나려면 어포인트를 해야 할 것이라고!"ㅎㅎㅎ 물론 바쁜 일상속에 사전 약속은 예의지만서도 허물없는 사이라도 만나기가 어려울거라며 잘나가는 화가님이라도 되는 양 꿈(?)같은 협박을 했다.
알고보니, 오래묵은 친구가 이미 다른 친구와 내 뒷땅 먹었다.ㅎㅎㅎ
얼굴이 좀 덜 팔리게시리 천만다행스럽게시리 행복한 소식이 날아왔다. 위대한 것들은 아주 사소한 것들로 부터 시작한다지!ㅎㅎㅎ 때때로 내 그림을 볼 줄 아는 님들과 의사소통이 된다.ㅎㅎㅎ
기쁨충만으로 스튜디오에 가서 슬픔충만으로 집으로 돌아왔다.ㅎㅎㅎ
두시간 제스쳐 페인팅을 계획했건만, 사전 스케치 작업이 꼼꼼하지 못해 컴포지션 이 문제가 생기고, 브러시와 나이프의 선택에서 방황하고, 그러다가 그림이 질떡거리는 함정에 빠져서 그것을 구해내느라 여섯 시간이 지나도록 붓을 놓을 수 없었다.
꽃에 대한 예의가 부족했던 시간들이었다.
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